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Safety goggles: are they adequate to prevent eye injuries caused by rotating wire brushes?
  1. A Paul1,
  2. A Lewis2
  1. 1
    Birmingham and Midland Eye Centre, Birmingham, UK
  2. 2
    Manchester Royal Eye Hospital, Manchester, UK
  1. Miss A Paul, Birmingham and Midland Eye Centre, 361 Rubery Lane, Rubery, Birmingham B45 9AY, UK; a_kasthwal{at}


Rotating wire brushes can cause severe ocular injuries. Wearing safety goggles has been recommended to prevent injury. A case is described of a superficial penetrating eye injury secondary to the use of a rotating wire brush, despite the use of safety glasses conforming to British safety standards. It is concluded that wearing safety goggles is not an adequate safety measure while using rotating wire brushes. The use of a full face shield is recommended during all professional and domestic activities involving equipment or tools that potentially produce high-speed foreign bodies.

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