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Alcohol misuse in students

It has not escaped Sophia’s notice that alcohol misuse is currently a hot topic in the media and a continued burden on Emergency Departments. A Cochrane review investigated interventions that might reduce alcohol misuse in college and university students. It included 22 controlled trials with a total of 7275 students. The systematic review concludes that alcohol misuse appeared to be reduced by individual face-to-face sessions or interventions using computer technology (Cochrane Review DOI:10.1002/14651858.CD006748.pub2).

Coagulopathy after major trauma

The management of massive haemorrhage produces much consternation among emergency practitioners. Perhaps this is not surprising, given that haemorrhage is the cause of 40% of trauma deaths worldwide. In a leading article in the British Journal of Surgery, Professor Karim Brohi explores the concepts of trauma-induced coagulopathy and acute traumatic coagulopathy. Well worth a read (Br J Surg 2009;96:963–4).

Fluid creep in burns

The Parkland formula is probably the most commonly used tool for fluid resuscitation of burns victims. Although the importance of adequate tissue perfusion is well recognised, there appears to be a tendency for patients to receive far …

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