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The usefulness of the GlideScope video laryngoscope in the education of conventional tracheal intubation for the novice
  1. J S You1,
  2. S Park1,
  3. S P Chung2,
  4. Y S Park2,
  5. J W Park3
  1. 1
    Ulsan Fire Department Headquarters, Ulsan, Republic of Korea
  2. 2
    Department of Emergency Medicine, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Republic of Korea
  3. 3
    Department of Emergency Medicine, Changwon Fatima Hospital, Changwon, Republic of Korea
  1. Dr J W Park, Department of Emergency Medicine, Changwon Fatima Hospital, 212 Myeongseo-Dong, Changwon, 641–560, Republic of Korea; erman{at}


The aim of this study is to evaluate the usefulness of the GlideScope video laryngoscope (GVL) as a tool to educate novice users in conventional tracheal intubation. 41 premedical students with no previous experience in tracheal intubation participated in this prospective, randomised and controlled study. Group M (n  =  20) was instructed in tracheal intubation by using the Macintosh laryngoscope and group G (n  =  21) was instructed by using both the GVL and the Macintosh laryngoscope. There was no significant difference in tracheal intubation performance using the Macintosh laryngoscope between the two groups. However, the GVL facilitates the education of tracheal intubation because it shows the same anatomical structure for both instructor and trainee simultaneously on a real-time basis. This aspect makes the trainee feel more comfortable learning the material with a high degree of satisfaction. Introducing GVL to conventional intubation education for novice users could increase the satisfaction of trainees during the procedure, especially as a way to understand critical anatomical structures.

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  • Competing interests: None.