Table of contents
February 2010 - Volume 27 - 2
Primary survey
- Primary survey (15 February, 2010)
- Who regulates the regulators? (15 February, 2010)
- Emergency department triage revisited (15 February, 2010)
Emergency Medicine Questions (EMQs)
- Emergency Medicine Questions (EMQs): (15 February, 2010)
Original articles
- Potential and limitations of e-learning in emergency medicine (15 February, 2010)
- Variability in management of early severe sepsis (15 February, 2010)
- Use of recombinant factor VIIA for control of combat-related haemorrhage (15 February, 2010)
- An audit of emergency medicine responses to children injured in violence (15 February, 2010)
Images in emergency medicine
- Initially unsuspected hydropneumothorax following cardiac arrest (15 February, 2010)
Short report
Commissioned series
- Soft tissue injuries: Chapter 8 Forearm, hand and wrist (15 February, 2010)
Best Evidence Topic Reports
Prehospital care
- The McKesson prop—an essential tool for the emergency physician? (15 February, 2010)
Emergency casebook
- Deliberate poisoning with dinitrophenol (DNP): an unlicensed weight loss pill (15 February, 2010)
EMQ answers
- EMQ answers: Theme: Arterial dissection (15 February, 2010)
- Sophia (15 February, 2010)