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Acute respiratory failure in a neurologically impaired woman
  1. Malcolm Lemyze1,
  2. Pierre-Yves Delannoy1,
  3. Olivier Lefebvre2,
  4. Didier Thevenin1
  1. 1Department of Critical Care Medicine, Schaffner Hospital, Lens, France
  2. 2Department of Emergency Medicine, Schaffner Hospital, Lens, France
  1. Correspondence to Dr M Lemyze, Department of Critical Care Medicine, Schaffner Hospital, 99 route de la Bassée, 62300 Lens, France; malcolmlemyze{at}

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A 25-year-old female with severe cerebral palsy was admitted to the emergency room for acute respiratory failure. She was cyanotic, with arterial oxygen saturation having dropped to 75% and rapid shallow breathing. The main clinical findings included hyperthermia reaching 39.4°C and diffuse crackles …

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