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Limited bedside echocardiography by emergency physicians for diagnosis of diastolic heart failure
  1. Erol Erden Ünlüer1,
  2. Serdar Bayata2,
  3. Nursen Postaci2,
  4. Murat Yeşil2,
  5. Özcan Yavaşi1,
  6. Pınar Hanife Kara1,
  7. Nergis Vandenberk1,
  8. Serhat Akay1
  1. 1Emergency Department, Izmir Ataturk Research and Training Hospital, Izmır, Turkey
  2. 2Department of Cardiology, Izmir Ataturk Research and Training Hospital, Izmır, Turkey
  1. Correspondence to Erol Erden Ünlüer, Izmir Ataturk Research and Training Hospital, Emergency Department, 35360 Izmır, Turkey; erolerdenun{at}


Introduction The identification of diastolic heart failure (DHF) is important for determining the prognosis of congestive heart failure patients. This study attempted to determine the accuracy of emergency physicians who performed bedside echocardiography (BECH) in patients with diastolic dysfunction.

Methods Three attending emergency physicians underwent 3 h of didactic and 3 h of hands-on training taught by a cardiology specialist for the echocardiographic diagnostic criteria of DHF. Between February and April 2010, the emergency physicians performed BECH for patients presenting with dyspnoea, and echocardiographic views were recorded. Our gold standard for the diagnosis of diastolic dysfunction was the cardiologists' echocardiography report. Results were compared with χ2 testing.

Results Of the 69 enrolled patients, 51 were diagnosed as having diastolic dysfunction by emergency physicians. The sensitivity of BECH was 89% (77–95) and specificity was 80% (51–95) with 95% CI. The accuracy of the emergency physicians' echocardiographic diagnosis was 87%.

Conclusion BECH performed by emergency physicians may serve as an objective, rapid, non-invasive tool in the assessment of patients presenting with dyspnoea in ED.

  • Bedside ultrasound
  • diastolic dysfunctione
  • chocardiography
  • emergency ultrasound
  • heart failure
  • imagingultrasound

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  • Competing interests None.

  • Patient consent Obtained.

  • Ethics approval This study was conducted with the approval of the ethics committee of Izmir Ataturk Research and Training Hospital.

  • Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.