Table of contents
November 2013 - Volume 30 - 11
Primary survey
- Highlights from the issue (18 October, 2013)
- The Health Committee produces a pearler (18 October, 2013)
- Ambulance demand: random events or predicable patterns? (26 November, 2012)
Original articles
- Snakebite enquiries to the UK National Poisons Information Service: 2004–2010 (12 December, 2012)
Prehospital care
Short reports
- Improving documentation of visual acuity in patients suffering facial fractures (26 November, 2012)
- Case report: catecholamine-induced arrhythmia in children (6 April, 2013)
Cases from HEMS
Best Evidence Topic Reports
- BET 1: Excited delirium syndrome and sudden death (18 October, 2013)
- BET 3: Do doctors know how to use adrenaline autoinjectors correctly? (18 October, 2013)
- BET 4: Does size matter? Chest drains in haemothorax following trauma (18 October, 2013)
Images in emergency medicine
- Herpes gladiatorum (14 February, 2013)
- Distal intestinal obstruction syndrome: a mimic of acute appendicitis (23 January, 2013)
- Roller coasters: a source of fun and tears (12 January, 2013)
- Pain in the pinnae: a sign of levamisole vasculopathy (12 January, 2013)
- A woman with sudden-onset facial oedema (30 January, 2013)
- Highlights from the literature (18 October, 2013)