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Success rates and procedure times of oesophageal temperature probe insertion for therapeutic hypothermia treatment of cardiac arrest according to insertion methods in the emergency department
  1. Uh-Hyun Paik1,
  2. Tae Rim Lee1,
  3. Mun Ju Kang1,
  4. Tae Gun Shin1,
  5. Min Seob Sim1,2,
  6. Ik Joon Jo1,
  7. Keun Jeong Song1,
  8. Yeon Kwon Jeong1
  1. 1Department of Emergency Medicine, Samsung Medical Centre, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul, Republic of Korea
  2. 2Department of Emergency Medicine, Doctorial Course, Graduate School, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, Republic of Korea
  1. Correspondence to Professor Min Seob Sim, Department of Emergency Medicine, Samsung Medical Centre, Sungkyunkwan, University School of Medicine, Ilwon-dong, Ganman Gu, Seoul 135-239, Korea; coldco2{at}


Purpose Therapeutic hypothermia has become the standard treatment for unconscious patients in cardiac arrest. Although various body parts, including the oesophagus, rectum, bladder and tympanum, can be used for measurement of the core temperature, the oesophageal temperature is preferred because of its accuracy and stability. We first investigated the success rate and procedure time of oesophageal temperature probe (ETP) insertion according to the insertion method.

Methods The conventional method involved blind insertion through nasal orifices. The alternative method was insertion with Magill's forceps or long forceps under visualisation using a direct laryngoscope. The new method was performed as follows: (1) insertion of another endotracheal tube (ETT) orally into the oesophagus; (2) insertion of a temperature probe into the hole of the ETT; (3) removal of the ETT. To compare the success rates and procedure times according to the insertion method, we collected data retrospectively from the prospective Samsung Medical Centre hypothermia database and medical records.

Results A total of 91 cases were examined. Insertion was performed using the conventional method in 36 cases, the alternative method in 26, and the new method in 29. Rates of success on the first attempt were 63.9%, 65.4% and 100%, and procedure times were 33.2±13.6, 33.3±17.8 and 27.0±7.9 min, for the conventional, alternative and new methods, respectively. The initial success rates and procedure times were significantly different among the three groups (p<0.01).

Conclusions The new ETP insertion method had a better first attempt success rate than the conventional method and the alternative method.

  • Resuscitation, clinical care

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