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    Salicylate in diabetes

    Salicylate use in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) has been shown to lower blood glucose and help provide effective glycaemia control when used in the short-term. A randomised placebo-controlled clinical trial investigated the role of salicylate in the longer term. The efficacy and safety of salicylate after 12 months’ use were encouraging, both in terms of achieving improved glycaemic control and a reduction in circulating inflammatory markers. However, the relatively small size of the study means that further work is required (Ann Intern Med 2013;159:1–12).

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    A prospective cohort Norwegian study looked into the use of antidepressants and their correlation to hip fractures in older people. Hip fractures are usually caused by a combination of reduced bone mineral density and falls. The use of antidepressant drugs may potentially affect both of these factors. Merged data from the Norwegian Prescription Database and the Norwegian Hip Fracture Registry revealed an increased risk of hip fractures among people exposed to antidepressants …

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