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Case studies in prehospital care from London HEMS: pre-hospital administration of prothrombin complex concentrate to the head-injured patient
  1. Robbie A Lendrum,
  2. Jean-Pierre Kotze,
  3. David J Lockey,
  4. Anne E Weaver
  1. London's Air Ambulance, The Royal London Hospital, London, UK
  1. Correspondence to Dr Robbie A Lendrum, London's Air Ambulance, Helicopter Emergency Medical Service, The Royal London Hospital, London E1 1BB, UK; rlendrum{at}


A case of pre-hospital administration of prothrombin complex concentrate to a patient anticoagulated with warfarin and with suspected intracranial haemorrhage is described. Effective, early reversal of anticoagulation by the time of arrival at hospital was achieved.

  • prehospital care, doctors in PHC
  • prehospital care, helicopter retrieval
  • Trauma, head
  • anaesthesia - rsi

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