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Improving safety and efficiency during emergent central venous catheter placement with a needleless securing clamp


Objective To compare the needleless securing clamp to the traditional suture-secured clamp for central venous catheters.

Methods Compare the holding strength of each type of clamps by measuring the amount of kinetic energy absorbed, ask 20 physicians to evaluate the clamp placement using sutures or staples, and summarise the clamps effectiveness and complications in 10 patients.

Results Compared to sutured clamp, the needleless clamp was more secure. The needleless clamp was also significantly better with regard to ease of use, safety, perceived strength (p value <0.002), and insertion time was reduced by 63%. No adverse events or skin infections occurred while using the needleless clamps.

Conclusions Without incurring complications or increasing risk to patients, the needleless clamp is secure and improves safety and efficiency for physicians.

  • Suture-secured clamp
  • needleless securing clamp
  • needlestick

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