Table of contents
May 2014 - Volume 31 - 5
Primary survey
- Highlights from this issue (15 April, 2014)
Original articles
Short reports
- Top 10 mobile apps in Emergency Medicine (24 February, 2014)
Best Evidence Topic Reports
- BET 3: Topical intranasal tranexamic acid for spontaneous epistaxis (15 April, 2014)
Images in emergency medicine
- Infected urachal cyst in an adult (28 June, 2013)
- Images in emergency medicine: Phantom first metacarpal (11 May, 2013)
- Images in emergency medicine: Frostbite from frosting (9 July, 2013)
- Images in emergency medicine: Fluid on the chest (12 September, 2013)
- Exercise-induced headache (16 May, 2013)