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Evaluation of a new semiautomated external defibrillator technology: a live cases video recording study
  1. Frédéric Maes,
  2. Sébastien Marchandise,
  3. Laurianne Boileau,
  4. Jean-Benoît Le Polain de Waroux,
  5. Christophe Scavée
  1. Department of Cardiology, Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc, Bruxelles, Belgium
  1. Correspondence to Dr Frédéric Maes, Department of Cardiology, Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc, Avenue Hippocrate, 10, Woluwe Saint Lambert, Bruxelles 1200, Belgium; fredericmaes{at}


Aim To determine the effect of a new automated external defibrillator (AED) system connected by General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) to an external call centre in assisting novices in a sudden cardiac arrest situation.

Method Prospective, interventional study. Layperson volunteers were first asked to complete a survey about their knowledge and ability to give cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and use an AED. A simulated cardiac arrest scenario using a CPR manikin was then presented to volunteers. A telephone and semi-AED were available in the same room. The AED was linked to a call centre, which provided real-time information to ‘bystanders’ and emergency services via GPRS/GPS technology. The scene was videotaped to avoid any interaction with examiners. A standardised check list was used to record correct actions.

Results 85 volunteers completed questionnaires and were recorded. Mean age was 44±16, and 49% were male; 38 (45%) had prior CPR training or felt comfortable intervening in a sudden cardiac arrest victim; 40% felt they could deliver a shock using an AED. During the scenarios, 56 (66%) of the participants used the AED and 53 (62%) successfully delivered an electrical shock. Mean time to defibrillation was 2 min 29 s. Only 24 (28%) participants dialled the correct emergency response number (112); the live-assisted GPRS AED allowed alerted emergency services in 38 other cases. CPR was initiated in 63 (74%) cases, 26 (31%) times without prompting and 37 (44%) times after prompting by the AED.

Conclusions Although knowledge of the general population appears to be inadequate with regard to AED locations and recognition, live-assisted devices with GPS-location may improve emergency care.

  • Cardiac arrest
  • Emergency Care Systems, Efficiency
  • Prehospital Care, First Responders
  • Resuscitation, Effectiveness

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