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036 Feasibility of collecting real-time emergency department patient safety and experience feedback
  1. Sally-Anne Wilson,
  2. Claire Marsh
  1. Improvement Academy, Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS FT


Background The NHS Long Term Plan aims to make care more Patient-Centred through listening to patients. The acute nature of ED care presents barriers to collecting patient feedback. We have explored two interventions (PRASE and Y-PET), as mechanisms for collecting and reporting safety feedback (PRASE) and experience feedback (Y-PET) in EDs.

An iterative approach was used to develop PMOS10 (PRASE questionnaire) for the ED which was tested in 5 departments with over 100 patients. The Y-PET was used alongside these tools in 2 departments with 40 patients.

A mixture of patient volunteers and staff collected the feedback.

Two questions from the PMOS10 proved to be unsuitable for the ED setting, and were substituted. Through further iterative tests, we now have a PMOS10(ED).

Hospital volunteers and staff not associated with the department are best placed to collect unbiased results. Patients (or their relatives) who are awaiting transport home or a hospital bed are best placed to give feedback. The traffic light display of patient safety feedback provided in PRASE is useful for assurance but staff need more qualitative data to inspire change. PRASE patient comments go someway to providing this but are strongly enhanced by the open answers of the Y-PET. The Y-PET format for presenting qualitative data as headline areas to celebrate or improve was effective in engaging staff in feedback from both tools.

ED patients can give valuable insight into how safe their care is and areas to celebrate and improve. Staff can engage with feedback themes and key quotes to initiate improvement.

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