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PP22  An exploration of the facilitators and barriers to paramedics’ assessment and treatment of pain in paediatric patients following trauma (EX-PAT)
  1. Barry Handyside1,
  2. Helen Pocock1,2,
  3. Charles Deakin1,3
  1. 1South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust, UK
  2. 2University Hospital Southampton, UK
  3. 3University of Warwick, UK


Background A cross-sectional service evaluation within South Central Ambulance Service (SCAS) revealed deficiencies in the assessment and management of paediatric patients’ pain resulting from trauma. This suggested a need for further work to identify facilitators and barriers to pain assessment and management amongst this patient group. Studies looking into the barriers and facilitators to paramedics’ assessment and management of paediatrics in pain have been conducted internationally and not solely in traumatic events. These studies are not transferable to the UK setting due to prehospital emergency care differences within these countries.

Methods This study will utilise qualitative research methods.The study population will be qualified paramedics. In-depth semi structured interviews will be conducted using a guide developed from previous studies and refined at patient and public involvement events. The expected numbers of participants will be 12–15 but will continue to the point of data saturation. Thematic analysis of data will be performed using an open coding technique guided by Braun and Clarke’s six step framework. Once complete member checking will take place with each participant.

Results It is anticipated that both positive and negative aspects of paramedics’ role during these incidents will be identified. Previous literature has identified support from colleagues, interaction with parents, and the ability to alleviate pain as facilitators. Barriers have included current educational practices, lack of exposure, guidelines, the prehospital environment, difficulty in assessing young children and difficulty in providing pain relief. It is therefore likely that these themes may emerge but identification of UK-specific barriers and facilitators is anticipated.

Conclusions With no previous study of this nature conducted before in the UK this could valuably inform the education and teaching provision of ambulance services and universities as well as a platform for policy makers and guideline producers to enhance the tools available to paramedics.

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