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871 Virtual platforms for learning: balancing pandemic needs springboards future educational success
  1. Tim Mossad
  1. The Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust


Aims/Objectives/Background The current Covid-19 pandemic poses many unprecedented educational challenges. Virtual learning is a recognised and increasingly validated modality that has been strategically adapted to facilitate pandemic educational delivery. Balancing platform usage with fewer available face to face sessions could facilitate clinical competency development and progression for all workforce colleagues and beyond.

Methods/Design This prospective cross-site large DGH survey, powered at an 8% margin of error with 95% confidence intervals, aimed to identify colleague perceptions of virtual learning platforms.

80 colleagues (41 males, 39 females) participated in survey monkey questionnaire completion over a designated three-week period following governance approval.

Demographic data was collated on job title/grade, sex, age bracket and whether the respondent currently worked in ED. Likert scale referenced statements on knowledge, confidence, utility and enjoyability were transcribed into metric data for analysis (1- strongly disagree, 2- partially disagree, 3- neither agree or disagree, 4- partially agree, 5- strongly agree).

Results/Conclusions Survey participants at undergraduate and postgraduate levels believed virtual platforms are useful (3.80, p<0.002) and had confidence in them (3.90, p<0.001) despite face to face preferences (4.23, p<0.001). Respondents believed virtual mapping facilitated competency development and portfolio completion with high utility and system knowledge (3.68–4.08, p<0.001). Whilst preferring platform variety and pre-determined guidance, subgroup analyses showed Foundation and Core EM Trainees had highest enjoyment levels (3.85–4.88, p<0.001). Trainees preferred receiving virtual learning on one platform (4.78, p<0.001). Perceptions on needing traditional classroom teaching were neutral (3.2, p<0.01).

Overall, themes relating to respondent’s perception of virtual platforms were positive. This survey provides a valid, transferable platform for developing and exploring future balanced use of virtual platforms as resources for educational progression and development.

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