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Midazolam: an effective intravenous agent for seizure control.
  1. G M Galvin,
  2. G A Jelinek
  1. Department of Emergency Medicine, Fremantle Hospital, Western Australia.


    Midazolam meleate, a water soluble 1,4 benzodiazepine, was used intravenously in 20 patients suffering seizures, of whom 12 were in status epilepticus. In all cases, midazolam in a dose of 2.5-15 mg rapidly terminated the seizure. There were no complications from the use of midazolam. The causes of the seizures were varied but alcohol-withdrawal seizures were the single largest cause. Thirteen patients were taking some form of anticonvulsant medication but only three were in the therapeutic range. Midazolam is seen to be an effective agent in the emergency treatment of seizures.

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