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Hypoglycaemia in an inner-city accident and emergency department: a 12-month survey.
  1. M D Feher,
  2. P Grout,
  3. A Kennedy,
  4. R S Elkeles,
  5. R Touquet
  1. Department of Clinical Pharmacology, St Mary's Hospital, London, England.


    In a 12-month survey on the causes and frequency of hypoglycaemia presenting to an inner-city accident and emergency department, a total of 86 cases were recorded. A missed meal and/or alcohol ingestion accounted for most of the precipitating causes, being 52% and 21% respectively. As 49% of subjects presented with major clinical manifestations of hypoglycaemia (fit or coma), greater emphasis is required in the instruction on regularity of meal and caution with alcohol in high-risk groups such as the diabetic and also in non-diabetic groups.

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