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The need for ventilation holes in children's dummies.
  1. M J Williams
  1. Hull Royal Infirmary, U.K.


    A 2-year-old child was brought into the Accident Department with a history that he had swallowed his dummy. There were no direct witnesses to the injury. The child had come up to its mother salivating and pointing to its mouth. The initial incident happened approximately 20 min prior to presentation at the Accident Department after a 999 call. Attempts at digital removal of the dummy by ambulancemen had failed. The child was pink and quiet but responding to commands and cooperative. He had a small abrasion to his forehead presumably due to his initial fall when his dummy was forced into his mouth. The teat of the dummy was clearly visible in the pharynx. The child was able to breathe by virtue of the two air holes in the flange piece of the dummy.

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