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The Purley train crash mechanism: injuries and prevention.
  1. N J Fothergill,
  2. S R Ebbs,
  3. A Reese,
  4. R J Partridge,
  5. M Mowbray,
  6. R D Southcott,
  7. K Hashemi
  1. Accident and Emergency Department, Mayday University Hospital, Thornton Health, Surrey.


    On the afternoon of Saturday 4th March 1989 two trains, both bound for London Victoria Station, collided. Part of the rear train rolled down a steep railway embankment and jack-knifed against a tree. The mechanism of the crash and the injuries sustained by the 55 victims who were seen in the A&E Department of the Mayday University Hospital are described. Improvements in signalling technology and design of rolling stock which may reduce both the risk of collision and severity of injury in future accidents are discussed.

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