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A computer program for generating New Deal compliant SHO rosters
  1. B S Todd
  1. Correspondence to:
 Mr B S Todd
 Emergency Department, Horton Hospital, Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals NHS Trust, Oxford Road, Banbury, Oxon, OX16 9AL, UK;


In the UK, the introduction of the New Deal on junior doctors’ hours has placed constraints on permissible senior house officer (SHO) rosters. This makes it difficult to construct a rota that satisfies SHOs’ annual leave and study leave requirements, yet remains compliant with the New Deal. A solution is the use of a computer. A computer program is described that generates compliant, full shift, SHO rosters in accordance with annual leave requests. This has been in routine use at the Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals Trust emergency department for the past 18 months. The program lends itself to, but is not specific to A&E applications; it can be used to generate compliant full shift rosters for other specialties. A copy of the program can be downloaded free of charge from a web site.

  • New Deal
  • computer program
  • rota

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  • * The Rota-Maker Program is copyright B S Todd, 2003.

  • The computer program is made freely available in good faith, but neither the author nor the Emergency Medicine Journal can be held liable for its use.

  • Funding: none.

  • Conflicts of interest: none declared.

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