Pre-intervention data and paramedic intubation

Tom Mallinson, ,
April 29, 2016

Thank you for this interesting study.

I am curious whether you are able to provide comparable data from before the introduction of the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) discussed here. Does the data gathered demonstrate an improvement in complication rates during pre-hospital anaesthesia compared with data from before the introduction of the SOP? In addition, did you analyse data regarding complications apart from failure to intubate?

You also indicate that intubations were undertaken by registrars, consultants and general practitioners. I am curious whether all intubations were undertaken by the physician member of the team or if any were carried out by the flight paramedic? Does your SOP preclude paramedic performed intubation in cases of prehospital anaesthesia?

Conflict of Interest:

None declared

Conflict of Interest

None declared