Availability of other services
| |
I don't have a GP | 6 | 3 | Medium |
My GP was not available | 12 | 5 | Medium |
Nowhere else has 24 hour open access | 66 | 30 | Weak |
Awareness of other services
| |
I didn't know where else to go | 33 | 15 | Weak |
I am not aware of any other services | 33 | 16 | Weak |
I don't know what other services are open... | 47 | 23 | Weak |
I don't know if my GP is available | 16 | 8 | Weak |
Patient preferences
| |
I didn't want to see my GP | 13 | 3 | Medium |
I can't always see the GP I would like | 6 | 2 | Medium |
I didn't want to bother my GP | 10 | 4 | Medium |
I wanted to see the nurse practitioner | 3 | 2 | Medium |
Positive experiences of A&E
| |
I've used A&E before and was happy... | 84 | 38 | Strong |
I'm confident in the A&E system | 74 | 32 | Strong |
Processes and patient's time
| |
My GP would only refer me here anyway | 49 | 16 | Medium |
I would have to wait for a GP appointment | 62 | 27 | Medium |
I think I will be seen quicker here... | 32 | 13 | Medium |
Convenience of access
| |
A&E is nearer than any other service | 29 | 11 | Medium |
It's easier to get to than any other service | 30 | 13 | Medium |
Perceptions of seriousness
| |
I wanted to see a specialist | 17 | 4 | Strong |
I consider the condition an emergency | 24 | 11 | Strong |
I wanted to see a doctor asap | 58 | 24 | Strong |
I thought I might need to go into hospital | 14 | 4 | Strong |
I don't know whether it is broken or not | 77 | 33 | Strong |
Seeking reassurance
| |
I need reassuring that ...is not serious | 92 | 33 | Medium |
I wanted a second opinion | 23 | 5 | Medium |
Other directed
| |
…advised by friends/family | 47 | 20 | Medium |
…advised by others | 61 | 23 | Strong |
Seeking particular services
I thought I needed a radiograph | 112 | 48 | Strong |
I thought I might need a tetanus injection | 14 | 7 | Medium |
I thought I might need a blood test | 8 | 1 | Medium |
I thought it needed stitches | 20 | 12 | Medium |