Table 2

Opioid analgesia

RouteDoseAnalgesic potencyRespiratory depressionApproximate cost (one dose to 20 kg child)*Comments
*Source British National Formulary, March 1999.
Codeineoral1 mg/kg; 4–6 hrlymild–moderate pain+5pNot advised IV: risk of histamine release and anaphylaxis
Morphineoral/rectal0.2–0.4 mg/kgoral; 9ppoor oral bioavailability; nausea; anxiolytic
prn, 4 hrlysevere pain++rectal; 50pSlow IV bolus; titrate against response
IV0.1–0.2 mg/kgIV; 60p
prn, 4 hrly
DiamorphineIV0.08 mg/kgIV; £1.10shorter duration of action than morphine; less nausea
prn 4 hrlysevere pain++
oral0.1–0.2 mg/kgoral; 12p
prn 4 hrly
FentanylIV3–5 mcg/kgsevere pain+++24prapid onset, short acting
PethidineIV0.5–1.0 mg/kmoderate pain++IV; 10pShort duration of action
oral0.5–2.0 mg/kgoral; 5pNausea