Table 3

Spearman's correlation coefficients between outcome measures and demographic and work related data

BetweenSpearnman's ρp
*Hours reportedly worked during previous week.
SCL-D scores and age−0.0910.093
GHQ-12 scores and age0.0360.502
GHQ-12 scores and years as consultant−0.0620.253
SCL-D scores and years as consultant0.0330.547
GHQ-12 scores and hours* (all respondents)0.0910.098
SCL-D scores and hours* (all respondents)0.0590.317
GHQ-12 scores and hours* (full time posts)0.1260.028
SCL-D scores and hours* (full time posts)0.0910.111
GHQ-12 scores and hours* (part time posts)−0.1230.508
SCL-D scores and hours* (part time posts)−0.1880.312
GHQ-12 and satisfaction rating0.3470.001
SCL-D scores and satisfaction rating0.3570.001