Table 1

Reasons provided by the 60 patients interviewed during the periods 17 to 21 July and 24 to 28 July 2000

Reason providedPatient numbers% of total
A Don’t like taking tablets +/− worried about side effects1226.6
B Just out of drug rehab so I don’t like taking tablets12.2
C Pain was not bad enough511.1
D Run out of tablets1022.2
E Didn’t think about it +/− run out of tablets +/− came straight here511.1
F Had paracetamol but didn’t think they would work12.2
G Came straight to hospital so there was not time36.7
H Thought they’d be a problem considering I’d been drinking [alcohol]24.4
I Didn’t want to mask the pain24.4
J Did it at work and was too busy to take any pills +/− thought they were not allowed to give out any pain killers24.4
K Knew getting the pus out would relieve the pain so just wanted to get that done12.2
L On methadone—so [simple] pain killers don’t work12.2