Table 1

Airway complications

Age/injuryDose (mg/kg)ComplicationInterventionsOutcome
* Spo2 fell after second dose.
12/lip2.5Laryngospasm (with skeletal muscle hypertonicity) Spo2 fell to 90%Oxygen and change in airway positionResolved quickly
26/facial wound2.0+1.0Spo2 fell to 84%*Oxygen givenResolved quickly
31/head wound2.5Spo2 fell to 92%noneResolved quickly
45/facial wound2.5Spo2 fell to 92%noneResolved quickly
56/lip wound2.5Spo2 fell to 92%suctioningResolved quickly
64/facial wound2.5Spo2 fell to 84%noneResolved quickly
71/facial wound2.5Spo2 fell to 89%noneResolved quickly