Table 1

 Comparison of baseline characteristics

Recruited patients(n = 425)Patients not recruited(n = 1007)
*Clinical probability was not possible to calculate in 862 patients.
‡No white cell count taken on 203 patients.
§No arterial oxygen value measured for 857 patients.
¶No arterial carbon dioxide values measured for 856 patients.
Age in years (mean (SD))38.3 (15.0)40.2 (17.9)
Sex (%)
Clinical probability of pulmonary embolism (%)
White cell count, ×109/l (mean (SD))8.9 (3.9)9.0×109/L (5.1)‡
Pao2, kPa (mean (SD))11.8 (2.2)11.0 (4.5)§
Paco2, kPa (mean (SD))5.1 (0.7)5.1 (0.8)¶