Table 1

 Some plants and plant products causing mydriasis

Plant/substance producing mydriasisCommon namesMechanism of mydriasisActive ingredient
Partly from Morton Grant W. Schuman JS. Toxicology of the eye: effects on the eyes and visual system from chemicals, drugs, metals and minerals, plants, toxins and venoms; also systemic side effects from eye medications, 2nd ed. 1993. By kind permission of Charles C Thomas Publisher Ltd, Springfield, IL, USA.
Amanita muscaria Fly agaricSympathetic effect from action on CNSMuscimol, ibotenic acid
Amanita pantherina Panther capParasympathetic palsyMuscimol, ibotenic acid
Catha edulis Kat, khat or qat leaves, also known as Abyssinian or Bushman’s teaSympathetic stimulationCathione
Chenopodium oilAmerican wormseed oilNot knownNot known
Lolium temulentum Darnel, cheat, tareNot knownNot known
Lupin seed (when ingested)Not knownNot known
Solanum tuberosum,Solanum nigrum, Solanum dulcamaraPotato, black nightshade, woody nightshadeParasympathetic palsySolanine, solanidine
Datura stramonium Thornapple (extract is known as asthmador or stramonium)Parasympathetic palsyHyoscyamine, atropine, scopolamine
Strychnnos (may cause mydriasis)Strychnine, brucineNot knownNot known