Table 3

 Clinical groups of patient by source of referral

Clinical groupSource of referral, n (%)
NHS-D, n = 299NHS-D-Other, n = 163GP referral, n = 1452Self-referral, n = 9893
GP, general practitioner; NHS-D, NHS Direct.
NHS-D referred significantly more medical patients than self-referred patients (*p<0.01), and less patients than GPs and NHS-D-Other (†p<0.01, ‡p<0.01). In the injury group, NHS-D referred significantly more patients than GPs and NHS-D-Other (§p<0.01, ¶p<0.01) and significantly less than self-referrals (**p<0.01).
Medical219 (73)*†‡143 (88)‡1365 (94)†6195 (63)*
Injury62 (21)§¶**14 (9)¶82 (6)§3504 (35)**
Ingestion of fumonisin B10 (3)2 (1)3 (0.3)176 (2)
Poisoning8 (3)4 (2)17 (0.1)
Social2 (0.1)1 (0.01)