Table 1

 The Prince Henry Hospital akathisia rating scale*

*Reprinted from Biological Psychiatry, 35,4 Sachdev P. A rating scale for acute drug-induced akathisia: development, reliability, and validity, pp. 270–1, Copyright (1994) with permission from Society of Biological Psychiatry.
Global rating (by rater): 0—absent; 1—mild; 2—moderate; 3—severe.
OBJECTIVE RATINGS: (ratings by observer)
I. Sitting
    1. Semipurposeful/purposeless leg/feet movement0123
    2. Semipurposeful hand/arm movements0123
    3. Shifting body position in chair0123
    4. Inability to remain seated0123
II. Standing
    1. Purposeless/semipurposeless leg/feetmovements0123
    2. Shifting weight from foot-to-foot and/orwalking on spot0123
    3. Inability to remain standing on one spot(walking or pacing)0123
Sum Score
SUBJECTIVE RATINGS: (three questions were asked)
    1. Do you feel restless, or urge to move, especiallyin the legs?0123
    2. Are you unable to keep your legs still?0123
    3. Are you unable to remain still, standing orsitting?0123
Key: 0–3: absent, mild, moderate, severe
1—mild and present some of time
2—mild and present most of the time or severe and present some of the time
3—severe and present all the time
Sum Score
Total Score