Table 6

 Dissatisfaction reported when comparing walk-in centres and A&E departments within colocated sites and control sites

Reason for dissatisfaction expressed as a “problem score”*Type of facility patient attended
Intervention A&EIntervention walk-in centreControl A&Ep Value†
A&E, accident and emergency.
Values are expressed as count (%).
* “Problem scores” were calculated for numerous aspects of care or patient consultation. For the sake of brevity, only those found to have a statistically significant difference are reported here.
†Comparison between intervention A&E and intervention walk-in centre facilities within intervention sites, using appropriate regression models, allowing for clustering and sampling probability. Percentages in the table also take account of the probability of being sampled.
Length of visit28 (23.5)23 (11.5)70 (19.5)0.03
Cleanliness of facilities49 (43.6)57 (27.7)137 (38.0)<0.001
Time available for discussion of the problem49 (43.6)55 (26.5)135 (37.3)<0.001
Involvement in decision–making34 (32.5)51 (24.1)112 (31.4)0.01
Privacy when discussing the problem35 (30.9)47 (23.1)96 (26.9)0.01
Privacy during examination or treatment31 (28.8)35 (18.0)68 (19.2)0.02