Table 1 Unit costs
ResourceUnit cost (£2003/4)Source
PP per minute (within-trial work patterns and salaries)1.24SYAS and Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (cost per call £103)
PP per minute (reduced utilisation and ECP salaries)2.23FRV work patterns and ECP salary (cost per call £186)
FRV/motorbike/PTSS per minute4.73SYAS (cost per call £144)
Emergency ambulance per minute3.53SYAS (cost per call £182)
ED cost per minute0.37Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
MIU attendance38NHS Reference Costs (discrete MIU)5
Hospital social care assessment157Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust*
Community social care assessment75Sheffield Primary Care Trust†
Inpatient day in other specialtiesVariousSheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust financial returns 2003/4
Subsequent ambulance attendance182SYAS
Subsequent ED attendance57NHS reference costs, ED attendance (no treatment, referred/discharged)5
GP visit21PSSRU (2004)6
District nurse visit20PSSRU (2004)6
Social services visit36PSSRU, intensive case manager for older people6
Nursing/residential care day52PSSRU‡ (2004)6
  • *A typical patient requires 2.5 h with a social worker, 1.5 h of occupational therapy, 1.5 h of physiotherapy and one in 20 requires 0.5 h with a consultant and liaison nurse. In addition, there are management and overheads of £15 per patient. †Typical initial assessment lasts 3 h from either occupational therapist or social worker. ‡Based on short-term resident cost per week for private nursing home, private, voluntary and local authority residential homes from the Personal Social Services Research Unit (PSSRU; 2004), then weighted by type of home and type of funding from PSSRU (1998).6 7 If private costs were to be included, the unit cost would increase to £66 per day. ECP, emergency care practitioner; ED, emergency department; FRV, fast response vehicle; GP, general practitioner; MIU, minor injuries unit; NHS, National Health Service; PP, paramedic practitioner; PTSS, patient travel subsidy scheme; SYAS, South Yorkshire Ambulance Service.

  • *A typical patient requires 2.5 h with a social worker, 1.5 h of occupational therapy, 1.5 h of physiotherapy and one in 20 requires 0.5 h with a consultant and liaison nurse. In addition, there are management and overheads of £15 per patient. †Typical initial assessment lasts 3 h from either occupational therapist or social worker. ‡Based on short-term resident cost per week for private nursing home, private, voluntary and local authority residential homes from the Personal Social Services Research Unit (PSSRU; 2004), then weighted by type of home and type of funding from PSSRU (1998).6 7 If private costs were to be included, the unit cost would increase to £66 per day. ECP, emergency care practitioner; ED, emergency department; FRV, fast response vehicle; GP, general practitioner; MIU, minor injuries unit; NHS, National Health Service; PP, paramedic practitioner; PTSS, patient travel subsidy scheme; SYAS, South Yorkshire Ambulance Service.