Table 1

Ambulance clinical performance indicator pilot: indicator set

Performance areaInclusion (denominator)Indicator (numerator)Exception(s)Anticipated outcome (potential risk)Evidence
Stroke (S)Patients with clinical diagnosis of stroke/TIA within a specified time periodS1 FAST assessment recordedPatient unconscious
Patient refusal
Patient does not understand
Head trauma/injury
Improved assessment and management of strokeJRCALC 200617 National Clinical Guidelines for Stroke (
S2 Blood glucose recordedPatient refusal
Patient does not understand
Head trauma/injury
S3 Blood pressure recordedPatient refusal
Time critical features (airway problem, reduced consciousness)
ST elevation MI (STEMI) (M)Patients with clinical diagnosis of STEMI within a specified time periodM1 AspirinPatient refusal/contraindication to drugImproved assessment and management of STEMI Improved survival from STEMIJRCALC 2006
NSF for CHD National Cardiac Ambulance Audit Scoping Paper 2007
M3 Initial pain scorePatient refusal/patient unable/patient unconscious
M4 Final pain score (assumed intervention)
M5 Analgesia given
M5i Morphine
M5ii Morphine and/or entonox
Patient refusal/patient not in pain/contraindication to drug(s)
M6 Prehospital thrombolysis (PHT) <60 min or delivered to hospital within 30 minPCI triage patients excluded
Cardiac arrest (presumed cardiac in origin) (C)Patients with clinical diagnosis of cardiac arrest (presumed cardiac) within a specified time periodC1 ROSC on arrival at hospitalROLE; patient dead; DNAR order; exclude history of trauma, overdose or drowningImproved response to and outcome from cardiac arrestJRCALC 2006
National Cardiac Ambulance Audit Scoping Paper 2007
C2 Paramedic in attendanceDoctor on scene
C3 Time to respond to a cardiac arrest (mean, SD and proportions in the following ranges 0-(<)1 min; 1-(<)2 min etc.History of trauma, overdose or drowning
Asthma (A)Patients with clinical diagnosis of asthma within a specified time periodA1 Respiratory rate recordedImproved assessment and management of asthma (inappropriate management of COPD with high dose O2)JRCALC 2006
British Guideline on the Management of Asthma 2003 updated (NICE/SIGN)
A2 PEFR recorded (before treatment)Patient refused/patient unable/patient unconscious/patient does not understand
A3 SpO2 recorded (before treatment)
A4 Beta-2 agonist givenPatient refused contraindication to drug
A5 Oxygen administered
Hypoglycaemia (H)Patients with clinical diagnosis of hypoglycaemia within a specified time periodH1 Blood glucose before treatmentPatient refusalImproved assessment of hypoglycaemia
Improved management of hypoglycaemia
(increased inappropriate blood glucose measurement and intervention)
H2 Blood glucose after treatment
H3 Treatment for hypoglycaemia recorded (oral carbohydrates, glucagon, iv glucose)
  • *FAST: Face, Arm, Speech, Time

  • †JRCALC: Joint Royal Colleges Ambulance Liaison Committee

  • ‡GTN: Glyceryl Trinitrate

  • §NSF for CHD: National Service Framework for Coronary Heart Disease

  • ¶PCI: Percutaneous Coronary Intervention

  • **ROSC: Return Of Spontaneous Circulation

  • ††ROLE: Recognition of Life Extinct

  • ‡‡DNAR: Do Not Attempt Resuscitation

  • §§PEFR: Peak Expiratory Flow Rate

  • ¶¶COPD: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

  • ***NICE/SIGN: National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence/Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network