Table 2

Main demographic and clinical findings at emergency department arrival in patients from the pure gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) and combined GHB groups

TotalPure GHB groupCombined GHB groupp Value*
 Women160 (32%)36 (30%)124 (32%)0.65
 Men345 (68%)84 (70%)261 (68%)
Age (years)
 <25292 (59%)66 (57%)226 (58%)0.25
 ≥25201 (41%)50 (43%)151 (42%)
 Not reported1248
Severely reduced consciousness (Glasgow Coma Scale <9)
 Yes187 (50%)28 (37%)159 (54%)0.01
 No184 (50%)47 (63%)137 (46%)
 Not reported1344589
Hypotension (<90 mm Hg)
 Yes9 (2%)2 (3%)7 (2%)1.00
 No373 (98%)76 (97%)297 (98%)
 Not reported1234281
Bradycardia (<60 bpm)
 Yes63 (17%)17 (23%)46 (16%)0.13
 No305 (83%)57 (77%)248 (84%)
 Not reported1374691
Bradypnoea (<10 breaths/min)
 Yes31 (14%)4 (10%)27 (15%)0.32
 No185 (86%)38 (90%)147 (85%)
 Not reported28978211
Hypothermia (<35)
 Yes15 (11%)3 (14%)12 (10%)0.70
 No121 (89%)18 (86%)103 (90%)
 Not reported36999270
Hypoxaemia (<95% arterial oxygen saturation)
 Yes21 (11%)6 (13%)15 (10%)0.59
 No171 (89%)39 (87%)132 (89%)
 Not reported31375238
Gastrointestinal symptoms
 Yes64 (25%)12 (23%)52 (26%)0.72
 No192 (75%)40 (77%)152 (74%)
 Not reported24968181
Cardiovascular symptoms
 Yes37 (15%)8 (16%)29 (15%)0.83
 No209 (85%)42 (84%)167 (85%)
 Not reported25970189
Respiratory symptoms
 Yes48 (19%)7 (14%)41 (21%)0.24
 No203 (81%)45 (86%)158 (79%)
 Not reported25468186
Skin symptoms
 Yes23 (9%)5 (10%)18 (9%)1.00
 No225 (91%)47 (90%)178 (91%)
 Not reported25768189
Neurological symptoms (apart from reduced consciousness)
 Yes173 (67%)41 (77%)132 (64%)0.07
 No85 (33%)12 (23%)73 (36%)
 Not reported24767180
Behavioural alterations
 Yes52 (21%)7 (14%)45 (23%)0.26
 No193 (79%)42 (84%)151 (77%)
 Not reported26071189
 Miosis66 (23%)10 (20%)56 (24%)0.41
 Normal136 (48%)22 (44%)114 (49%)
 Mydriasis80 (28%)18 (36%)62 (27%)
 Not reported22370153
  • * p Value reported is calculated excluding ‘Not reported cases’. For those variables in which the dichotomy was ‘Yes/No’, the p value codifying ‘Not reported cases’ was also calculated together with the group ‘No’, but no changes in statistical significance were observed for any variable.