Table 3

Trial outcomes (paired services)

Ambulance serviceGP out-of-hoursUrgent care centreCare homeMinor injury unitOverall
Intervention (n=593)Control (n=514)Intervention (n=713)Control (n=875)Intervention (n=490)Control (n=714)Intervention (n=256)Control (n=201)Intervention (n=226)Control (n=719)Intervention (n=2278)Control (n=3023)
Primary outcomes
Discharged n (%)257 (43.3)34 (6.6)506 (71.0)778 (88.9)345 (70.4)585 (81.9)126 (49.2)25 (12.4)119 (52.7)390 (54.2)1353 (59.4)1812 (59.9)
Difference (99% CI)36.7% (30.8% to 42.7%)−17.9% (−23.1% to −12.8%)−11.5% (−18.0% to −5.1%)36.8% (26.7% to 46.8%)−1.6% (−11.4% to 8.2%)2.9% (−0.2% to 5.9%)
HeterogeneityI2=99.1%, p<0.001
Referred hospital n (%)251 (42.3)476 (92.6)122 (17.1)94 (10.7)22 (4.5)41 (5.7)58 (22.7)176 (87.6%)54 (23.9)53 (7.4)507 (22.3)840 (27.8)
Difference (95% CI)−50.3% (−54.9% to −45.7%)6.4% (2.9% to 9.8%)−1.3% (−3.8% to 1.3%)−64.9% (−71.8% to −58.0%)16.5% (10.6% to 22.4%)−18.6 (−44.3% to 7.1%)
HeterogeneityI2=99.5, p<0.001
Referred primary care n (%)85 (14.3)4 (0.8)85 (11.9)3 (0.3)123 (25.1)88 (12.3)72 (28.1)0 (0)53 (23.5)276 (38.4)418 (18.3)371 (12.3)
Difference (95% CI)13.6% (10.6% to 16.5%)11.6% (9.2% to 14.0%)12.8% (8.2% to 17.3%)28.1% (22.6% to 33.7%)−14.9% (−21.5% to −8.4%)10.4% (1.6% to 19.3%)
HeterogeneityI2=96.2, p<0.001
Secondary outcomes
Intervention (n=472)Control (n=550)Intervention (n=727)Control (n=889)Intervention (n=526)Control (n=764)Intervention (n=261)Control (n=201)Intervention (n=226)Control (n=741)Intervention (n=2212)Control (n=3145)
Any investigation n (%)44 (9.3)1 (0.2)123 (16.9)63 (7.1)83 (15.8)151 (19.8)5 (1.9)0 (0)1 (0.4)274 (37.0)256 (11.6)489 (15.5)
Difference (95% CI)9.1% (6.5% to 11.8%)9.8% (6.6% to 13.0%)−4.0% (−8.2% to 0.2%)1.9% (0.0% to 3.8%)−36.5% (−40.1% to −33.0%)−3.9% (−18.2% to 10.4%)
HeterogeneityI2=99.2, p<0.001
Any treatment n (%)188 (39.8)4 (0.7)423 (58.2)498 (56.0)242 (46.0)543 (71.0)72 (27.6)0 (0)89 (39.4)349 (47.1)1014 (45.8)1394 (44.3)
Difference (95% CI)39.1% (34.7% to 43.6%)2.2% (−2.7% to 7.0%)−25.1% (−30.4% to −19.7%)27.6% (22.1% to 33.0%)−7.7% (−15.0% to −0.4%)7.3% (−16.6% to 31.1%)
HeterogeneityI2=991, p<0.001
Median (IQR) episode time (mins)67 (47, 92)48 (35, 62)87 (67, 116)146 (108, 210)35 (20, 57)41 (22, 70)60 (40, 80)39 (29, 58)23 (17, 30)29 (19, 50)61 (35, 90)53 (29108)
Time ratio (95% CI)1.41 (1.32 to 1.50)0.60 (0.56 to 0.64)0.86 (0.79 to 0.94)1.36 (1.24 to 1.49)0.76 (0.68 to 0.84)0.92 (0.89 to 0.95)
HeterogeneityI2=99.1, p<0.001