Table 2

Baseline characteristic of NHAP patients (n=767)

Age≥65 years743 (96.9)
Age≥80 years540 (70.4)
Male350 (45.6)
Coexisting illness644 (84%)
 Congestive heart failure119 (15.5)
 Cerebrovascular disease250 (32.6)
 Renal disease46 (6.0)
 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease119 (15.5)
 Old pulmonary tuberculosis54 (7.0)
Clinical parameters
 Pulse rate ≥125/min89 (11.6)
 Systolic blood pressure <90 mm Hg7 (0.9)
 Diastolic blood pressure ≤ 60 mm Hg150 (19.6)
 Temperature <35°C or ≥40°C17 (2.2)
 Respiratory rate ≥30/min159 (20.7)
 Confusion (GCS<15)256 (33.4)
 Sao2 <90% on pulse oximetry85 (11.1)
Laboratory results
 Sodium level <130(mmol/l)69 (9.0)
 Urea>7 mmol/l394 (51.4)
 Urea>11 mmol/l160 (20.9)
 Glucose level ≥14(mmol/l)27 (3.5)
 Arterial pH <7.3552 (6.8)
 Haematocrit <30%193 (25.2)
 White cell count <4000 cells/mm322 (2.9)
 Platelet count <100000 cells/mm322 (2.9)
Radiographic features
 Bilateral lung involvement158 (20.6)
 Multiple (>2) zones involvement117 (15.3)
 Pleural effusion48 (6.3)
Outcome measure
 30-day mortality95 (12.4)
 Hospital LOS (days)8.5±6.4
 Endotracheal intubation with ICU admission5 (0.7)
 Non-invasive mechanical ventilation89 (11.6)
 Severe pneumonia (died within 30 day and/or ICU admission)98 (12.8)
  • Data are given as mean±SD or number (%).

  • GCS, Glasgow Coma Scale; ICU, intensive care unit; LOS, length of stay; NHAP, nursing home-acquired pneumonia.