Table 1

Baseline characteristics of subjects

Continuous variablesMean (SD)
Age (years)73.2 (6.1)
BMI (kg/m2)26.3 (6.3)
Pack years of smoking50.2 (25.0)
Baseline arterial blood gas*
 pH7.41 (0.024)
 Pao2 (mm Hg)61.8 (8.6)
 Paco2 (mm Hg)47.8 (5.5)
 Bicarbonate (mmol/l)29.4 (3.0)
 Oxygen saturation (%)92.7 (2.7)
FEV1 (litres)0.71 (0.27)
FEV1 (% of predicted)27.3 (10.3)
Categorical variablesN/N (%)
Male13/18 (72.2)
Current smoker2/18 (11.1)
Ex-smoker16/18 (88.9)
Use of long-term oxygen12/18 (66.7)
Home nebuliser5/18 (27.8)
Long-term oral steroids7/18 (38.9)
Long-acting ß agonist13/18 (72.2)
Long-acting antimuscarinic9/18 (50.0)
Previous hospital admission14/18 (77.8)
  • * Two subjects had arterial blood gas measurements while receiving supplementary oxygen in accordance with the protocol.

  • BMI, body mass index; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 s; Paco2, arterial carbon dioxide tension; Pao2, arterial oxygen tension.