Table 3

Short Form (SF) 12 results (46 patients completed this questionnaire)

SF 12 questionsRatingN (%)
Would you say your health isExcellent7 (15)
Very Good12 (26)
Good17 (37)
Fair4 (9)
Poor6 (13)
Does your physical health limit you in moderate activities, for example, moving a table, vacuuming, playing golfNot at all24 (52)
Limited a little11 (24)
Limited a lot11 (24)
Does your physical health now limit you in climbing stairsNot at all24 (52)
Limited a little15 (33)
Limited a lot7 (15)
In the past 4 weeks, have you accomplished less than you would like as a result of your physical healthNo26 (56)
Yes20 (43)
During the past 4 weeks were you limited in the kind of work or other activities you performed due to your physical healthNo26 (56)
Yes20 (43)
During the past 4 weeks, have you accomplished less than you would like as a result of any emotional problemsNo26 (56)
Yes20 (43)
During the past 4 weeks, have you not worked or performed activities as carefully as usual as a result of any emotional problemsNo31 (67)
Yes15 (33)
During the past week, how much did pain interfere with your normal workNot at all34 (74)
A little bit7 (15)
Moderately4 (9)
Quite a bit0 (0)
Extremely1 (2)
During the past week have you felt peaceful and calmAll of the time8 (17)
Most of the time20 (43)
A good bit of the time3 (6)
Some of the time8 (17)
A little of the time4 (9)
None of the time3 (6)
During the past week have you had a lot of energyAll of the time5 (11)
Most of the time18 (39)
A good bit of the time4 (9)
Some of the time6 (13)
A little of the time9 (20)
None of the time4 (9)
During the past week have you felt down hearted and blueAll of the time2 (4)
Most of the time5 (11)
A good bit of the time3 (6)
Some of the time9 (20)
A little of the time14 (30)
None of the time13 (28)
During the past week how much of the time has your physical health or emotional problems interfered with your social activitiesAll of the time1 (2)
Most of the time7 (15)
Some of the time11 (24)
A little of the time4 (9)
None of the time23 (50)