Would you say your health is | Excellent | 7 (15) |
Very Good | 12 (26) |
Good | 17 (37) |
Fair | 4 (9) |
Poor | 6 (13) |
Does your physical health limit you in moderate activities, for example, moving a table, vacuuming, playing golf | Not at all | 24 (52) |
Limited a little | 11 (24) |
Limited a lot | 11 (24) |
Does your physical health now limit you in climbing stairs | Not at all | 24 (52) |
Limited a little | 15 (33) |
Limited a lot | 7 (15) |
In the past 4 weeks, have you accomplished less than you would like as a result of your physical health | No | 26 (56) |
Yes | 20 (43) |
During the past 4 weeks were you limited in the kind of work or other activities you performed due to your physical health | No | 26 (56) |
Yes | 20 (43) |
During the past 4 weeks, have you accomplished less than you would like as a result of any emotional problems | No | 26 (56) |
Yes | 20 (43) |
During the past 4 weeks, have you not worked or performed activities as carefully as usual as a result of any emotional problems | No | 31 (67) |
Yes | 15 (33) |
During the past week, how much did pain interfere with your normal work | Not at all | 34 (74) |
A little bit | 7 (15) |
Moderately | 4 (9) |
Quite a bit | 0 (0) |
Extremely | 1 (2) |
During the past week have you felt peaceful and calm | All of the time | 8 (17) |
Most of the time | 20 (43) |
A good bit of the time | 3 (6) |
Some of the time | 8 (17) |
A little of the time | 4 (9) |
None of the time | 3 (6) |
During the past week have you had a lot of energy | All of the time | 5 (11) |
Most of the time | 18 (39) |
A good bit of the time | 4 (9) |
Some of the time | 6 (13) |
A little of the time | 9 (20) |
None of the time | 4 (9) |
During the past week have you felt down hearted and blue | All of the time | 2 (4) |
Most of the time | 5 (11) |
A good bit of the time | 3 (6) |
Some of the time | 9 (20) |
A little of the time | 14 (30) |
None of the time | 13 (28) |
During the past week how much of the time has your physical health or emotional problems interfered with your social activities | All of the time | 1 (2) |
Most of the time | 7 (15) |
Some of the time | 11 (24) |
A little of the time | 4 (9) |
None of the time | 23 (50) |