Table A5

Above knee immobilisation

Author, date and countryPatient groupStudy type (level of evidence)OutcomesKey resultsStudy weaknesses
Kock H-J et al, 1995, GermanyAmbulatory patients between 18 and 65 years with leg injuries requiring conservative outpatient management in below knee or cylinder castsOpen randomised controlled trial, including completed data on 339 patients. 48 were managed in above knee cylinder casts. Patients randomised to receive either no thromboprophylaxis or 32 mg of Mono-Embolex. Trial was stopped early due to meeting efficacy criteria (level of evidence 2b)Overall DVT rateLMWH group: 0%, Control group: 4.3% p<0.007Open study with no use of placebo. Some high-risk groups (previous DVT and pregnancy) excluded. High post-recruitment exclusion (52 patients), although intention to treat analysis performed. Only small numbers of patients with above knee casts included and no statistical analysis performed
DVT rate in above knee castsLMWH group: 0/24=0%, Control group: 2/24=8.3% (no statistical analysis)
  • DVT, deep vein thrombosis; LMWH, low molecular weight heparin.