Table 4

Percentage of patients who can be classified into a respective shock class according to the ATLS classification of hypovolaemic shock in the opinion of (A) ATLS course directors and instructors; (B) ATLS classification users and non-ATLS classification users

AallATLS directorsATLS instructors
>75% (%; n)33.9 (121)36.6 (26)33.3 (96)
50–75% (%; n)39.5 (141)32.4 (23)41.3 (119)
25–50% (%; n)18.5 (66)23.9 (17)17 (49)
<25% (%; n)8.1 (29)7 (5)8.3 (24)
B ATLS classification usernon ATLS classification user
>75% (%; n)41.3 (71)25.3 (43)
50–75% (%; n)43 (74)37.1 (63)
25–50% (%; n)9.9 (17)26.5 (45)
<25% (%; n)5.8 (10)11.2 (19)