Table 2

Descriptive information of samples and attendances

Retrospective* (n=5121)Prospective† (n=4752)
Not alcohol related (n (%))Alcohol ingested (n (%))Not alcohol related (n (%))Alcohol related (n (%))
All4485 (87.6)636 (12.4)4032 (84.8)720 (15.2)
 Male2220 (83.5)439 (16.5)1847 (81.0)432 (19.0)
 Female2263 (92.0)197 (8.0)1854 (89.8)210 (10.2)
 Missing*2 (0.0)0 (0.0)331 (8.2)78 (10.8)
Age (years)
 18–24961 (80.6)231 (19.4)784 (79.9)197 (20.1)
 25–441461 (85.2)254 (14.8)1022 (83.8)197 (16.2)
 45–64976 (89.5)114 (10.5)760 (88.6)98 (11.4)
 65+1032 (97.2)30 (2.8)611 (96.7)21 (3.3)
 Missing*55 (1.2)7 (1.1)855 (21.2)207 (28.8)
 NE postcode4125 (88.9)517 (11.1)2946 (87.7)412 (12.3)
 Other postcode345 (74.8)116 (25.2)177 (73.4)64 (26.6)
 Missing*15 (0.3)3 (0.5)909 (2.2)244 (33.9)
Day of week
 Monday717 (91.5)67 (8.5)600 (91.6)55 (8.4)
 Tuesday605 (89.4)72 (10.6)548 (89.7)63 (10.3)
 Wednesday566 (91.1)55 (8.9)584 (87.0)87 (13.0)
 Thursday624 (89.5)73 (10.5)549 (89.3)66 (10.7)
 Friday648 (87.2)95 (12.8)475 (83.0)97 (17.0)
 Saturday646 (82.6)136 (17.4)603 (76.1)189 (23.9)
 Sunday679 (83.1)138 (16.9)665 (80.3)163 (19.7)
 Missing*8 (0.2)0 (0.0)
Time of day
 Midnight–5:59526 (64.5)289 (35.5)390 (52.3)356 (47.7)
 6:00–11:591167 (95.0)63 (5.1)1062 (94.3)64 (5.7)
 Noon–17:591612 (94.2)100 (5.9)1529 (94.9)82 (5.1)
 18:00–23:591180 (86.5)184 (13.5)964 (82.8)200 (17.2)
 Missing*87 (1.8)18 (0.4)
Week of year
 2–8 July839 (87.3)122 (12.7)555 (84.6)101 (15.4)
 8–14 October902 (85.2)157 (14.8)1148 (83.9)220 (16.1)
 17–23 December1293 (88.3)171 (11.7)1112 (85.7)186 (14.3)
 25 February–3 March1451 (88.6)186 (11.4)1217 (85.1)213 (14.9)
Reason for attendance‡
 Fall50 (84.8)9 (15.3)148 (82.7)31 (17.3)
 Collapse (including fits)199 (82.2)43 (17.8)128 (88.9)16 (11.1)
 Head injury119 (68.9)55 (31.6)67 (62.6)40 (37.4)
 Assault29 (46.0)34 (54.0)22 (31.4)48 (68.6)
 Accident1025 (90.1)113 (9.9)956 (87.7)134 (12.3)
 Unwell143 (94.1)9 (5.9)44 (97.8)1 (2.2)
 Gastrointestinal351 (93.9)23 (6.2)272 (91.3)26 (8.7)
 Psychiatric89 (58.6)63 (41.5)63 (50.8)61 (49.2)
 Cardiac (including chest pain)320 (96.7)11 (3.3)257 (96.6)9 (3.4)
 Repeat attender§UnknownNot includedUnknownUnknown
 Intoxication¶6 (4.0)144 (96.0)4 (4.4)88 (95.6)
 Other1662 (97.6)41 (2.4)1161 (95.5)55 (4.5)
 Missing*492 (9.6)91 (1.8)910 (19.1)211 (4.4)
  • *As a percentage of total presentations.

  • †As a percentage of data available.

  • ‡According to the Paddington Alcohol Test.

  • §Repeat attender category not captured in these datasets.

  • ¶Intoxication code included due to use of the Paddington Alcohol Test outside its original purpose.