Table 3

Predictors of ED LOS: summary of main findings

Patient characteristicStudies with observed effect on ED LOS
LongerShorterNo significant difference
Need for admission4 6 11 12 15 21 22 27 34 38
Ambulance arrival11 14 15 22 3934
 High4 10 1126
 Moderate6 14 17 22 39
Severity (condition specific)12 13 25 3816 36
Older adult
 General population6 11 14 15 18 20 21 22 2439
 Admitted266 17 20
 Non-admitted6 10 17 19 20
 Condition specific7 25 288 12 13 16 27 30 31 36
 General population4 10 14 227 11 17 26 39
 Condition specific29 3112 13 16 27 30 24 36 38
Receipt of tests (vs none)8 10 11 13 17 25 38 39
  • *Only studies including the full range of acuity categories are reported here.

  • †Finding appeared in univariate analysis only.

  • ED LOS, emergency department length of stay.