Table 4

Multivariate logistic regression examining factors associated with hospital prealerting in acute stroke

Multivariate analysis
PredictorOR95% CIsp Value
Patient characteristics
Age1.000.97 to 1.030.99
Sex (male)0.490.21 to 1.130.10
White ethnicity (reference category)1.00
Black or Black British ethnicity3.100.30 to 31.620.34
Asian or Asian British ethnicity0.790.24 to 2.650.71
Mixed ethnicity1.170.11 to 12.410.90
Other ethnicity1.680.27 to 10.660.58
Ethnicity not stated2.010.09 to 43.040.66
Eligibility for prealert*
Paramedic arrives within 5 h (yes)2.991.37 to 6.500.006
No FAST symptoms present (reference category)1.00
1 FAST symptom present6.142.06 to 18.300.001
2 FAST symptoms present31.369.91 to 99.24<0.001
3 FAST symptoms present75.8424.68 to 233.03<0.001
GCS >130.040.01 to 0.14<0.001
Evidence of fit (yes)0.230.01 to 6.400.39
Service factors
Highest grade of EMS staff in attendance (paramedic)1.350.81 to 2.250.25
Hospital site (1 of 2)2.221.00 to 4.900.05
Hospital arrival within working hours (09:00–17:00) (yes)0.730.34 to 1.570.43
Stroke final diagnosis (stroke)2.090.56 to 7.780.27
  • One patient was excluded from this analysis due to missing data relating to age.

  • Being FAST positive was a significant predictor of prealert using the likelihood ratio test (p<0.001), but ethnicity was not (p=0.91).

  • *Blood glucose and evidence of seizure variables were removed from the model due to colinearity.

  • EMS, emergency medical services; FAST, Face, Arm, Speech Test.