Table 3

Adverse events with their interventions in patients undergoing procedural sedation in the ED (n=1711)

Adverse events, n (%)
Minimal intervention*
 Agitation6 (0.4)
 Emesis5 (0.3)
 Emergence phenomena3 (0.2)
 Hypotension—no intervention7 (0.4)
 Hypoxia—no intervention1 (0.1)
 Tachycardia1 (0.1)
 Other: subcutaneous injection of sedative (n=1), unknown (n=1)2 (0.1)
Total minimal intervention25 (1.5)
Minor intervention*
 Airway obstruction—stimulate3 (0.2)
 Airway obstruction—airway repositioning27 (1.6)
 Apnoea—stimulate23 (1.3)
 Hypoxia—stimulate13 (0.8)
 Hypoxia—airway repositioning8 (0.5)
 Hypoxia—oxygen administration25 (1.5)
 Total minor intervention99 (5.8)
Moderate interventions*
 Airway obstruction—oral airway insertion2 (0.1)
 Apnoea—bag valve mask ventilation25 (1.5)
 Apnoea—reversal agent administration2 (0.1)
 Hypotension—fluid bolus20 (1.2)
 Hypoxia—bag valve mask ventilation19 (1.1)
 Hypoxia—reversal agent administration2 (0.1)
Total moderate intervention70 (4.1)
Sentinel interventions0 (0)
Total number of adverse events194 (11.3)
Total number of cases with adverse events†181 (10.6)
  • *Interventions classified according to World SIVA adverse sedation reporting tool 2012.

  • †Some patients had more than one adverse event.