Table 2

Inclusion and exclusion criteria for study selection

1) Population
  1. Adults aged 16 years or more

  2. Patients with blunt chest wall trauma (blunt chest injury resulting in chest wall contusion or rib fractures, with or without underlying lung injury)

  3. Undergoing both radiological and ultrasound investigation

  1. Patients with penetrating trauma only

  2. Patients with multitrauma only and no reference to chest trauma

  3. Patients with intrathoracic injuries only and no chest wall trauma

  4. Children (aged under 16 years)

2) Interventions/exposuresLung ultrasoundNo lung ultrasound included
3) ComparatorsChest radiographNo chest radiograph included
4) Study designObservational studiesReview articles, letters/editorials, case studies, case-control series