Table 2

Demographic characteristics and descriptive outcomes for all cases per year

BaselineECH year 1ECH year 2P value
Number of index admissions18 58616 12617 727
Male (%)7856 (42.3)7060 (43.8)7690 (43.4)0.012
Age, mean years (SD)67.0 (20.2)67.9 (19.3)68.3 (19.1)<0.001
Age, median years (IQR)72 (53–83)72 (56–83)73 (56–83)<0.001
CCI, mean (SD)1.54 (2.12)1.66 (2.19)1.74 (2.24)<0.001
IMDS, mean (SD)24.7 (15.3)24.2 (15.1)24.0 (15.0)<0.001
Day 60 deaths (%)1729 (9.3)1488 (9.2)1574 (8.9)0.334
Inpatient deaths (%)931 (5.0)831 (5.1)854 (4.8)0.362
Postdischarge deaths (%)798 (4.3)657 (4.1)720 (4.1)0.454
Inpatient days, mean (SD)6.2 (13.8)6.8 (15.5)5.8 (12.3)<0.001
Inpatient days, median (IQR)1 (0–6)1 (0–6)1 (0–6)<0.001
Readmissions (% discharged alive)3752 (21.3)3001 (19.6)3177 (18.8)<0.001
  • P values represent the trend across all 3 years (χ2 for categorical and Kruskal-Wallis for continuous variables).

  • CCI, Charlson Comorbidity Index;ECH, emergency care hospital; IMDS, Index of Multiple Deprivation Score.