Table 2

Characteristics of the women diagnosed with PE

Patient noMaternal ageGestational ageImaging methodImaging report
13528/40CTPASegmental PE lower left lobe
23437/40VQIsolated wedge shaped perfusion defect in the apical segment of the right lower lobe
32636/40CTPAExtensive bilateral PE
43335/40CTPAOn balance of probability non-occlusive filling defect in the left upper lobe segmental vessel represents PE
52623/40VQPerfusion defects in both lungs
63324/40VQExtensive reduction of perfusion to the right lung with further segmental areas of perfusion loss in the left lung. The ventilation scan is almost normal.
72632/40US lower limbEchogenic thrombus demonstrated within the left common femoral vein, which extends down to the left popliteal vein. The vein was not patent and incompressible
82129/40CTPAAppearances are highly suspicious for solitary small PE
93324/40VQUnmatched perfusion defect in the right mid to lower lung
103227/40VQAppearances are in keeping with a right acute PE
112515/40VQThe segmental perfusion defect in the right lung posteriorly is mismatched with the ventilation images. Findings are in line with PE
123413/40CTPAExtensive bilateral pulmonary embolus