Table 3

Multilevel mixed effects linear regression model (physician identification number as the random intercept model) to predict the total ED diagnostic resource use out of the pooled variables for physicians and patients' characteristics (z-transformed variables) (n=473)

Total ED diagnostic resourcesCoefficient95% CIP value
Patient’s condition (chronic), older/more comorbidities51.0(−9.4 to 111.4)0.098
Patient’s condition (acuity), more urgent126.0(65.5 to 186.6)<0.001
Physician's experience, less27.9(−32.7 to 88.5)0.367
Context characteristics, worse−3.4(−63.7 to 57.0)0.913
Subjective case difficulty, more difficult147.5(87.3 to 207.7)<0.001
Constant1333.9(1273.8 to 1393.9)<0.001