Table 2

Summary results

Version 1 protocol (n=5)Version 2 protocol (n=18)Total (n=23)
No. (%) or mean±SDNo. (%) or mean±SDNo. (%) or mean±SD
Reduction successful*3 (60%)18 (100%)21 (91%)
Adverse events0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)
Max Cpt (µg/mL)†2±02.5±0.62.4±0.6
Time to OAA/S 3 (min)‡§13±1.426.1±8.424.7±9
Time to reduction (min)¶*14.5±3.528.9±927.5±9.6
  • *One patient self-reduced at OAA/S 4.

  • †One patient did not have max Cpt documented.

  • ‡Four patients did not have time to OAA/S 3 documented.

  • §Two patients did not achieve OAA/S 3.

  • ¶Three patients did not have time to reduction documented.